Series of RNA datasets used to develop and benchmark the SARA program.

    RNA chains Alignments
    PDBNov06 2,179--
    NR95 27738,226
    NR95-HR 511,275
    NR95-SCOR 601,770
    OPT 141300
    RAND 30044,850
    RNA09 451101,475
    BgALI 45150,995
    FSCOR 419-
    R-FSCOR 192-
    T-FSCOR 227-

    Series of RNA datasets used for the RNA structural space analysis.

    RNA chains Alignments
    RNA09 451101,475
    NR-RNA09 45150,995
    HA-RNA09 114589
    FSCOR 41987,571

    Additionally, an initial version of the set of alignments and their derived probability density functions for MODELLER can be donwloaded here. Users should be aware that such files will
    most likely change in a near future.
    For more information please contact Emidio Capriotti.